The Czech Republic was established on 1.1.1993 when former Czech and Slovak Federative Republic was divided into Czech and Slovak republics. Constitution of a newly born state has stipulated in its Article 99 (of the Constitutional law of the Czech National Council No: 1/1993 from 16.12.1992) that the Czech Republic consists of the communities forming basic self-governing units of the territorial management. The higher territorial self-governing units are to be set as lands or regions.
A long period followed when discussion about form and functions of the said higher territorial self-governing units (hereinafter “HTSGU”) were conducted. In the various politicians´ imaginations, their number oscillated between 77 (contemporary number of existing administrative districts) and two – historical lands of Bohemia and Moravia. The constitutional Higher Territorial Self-Governing Units Foundation Act No: 347/1997 was passed not before 3.12.1997, i.e. with delay of five years. The Parliament of the Czech Republic has decided to establish fourteen HTSGU: The City of Prague, Central Bohemian region, Budějovický region, Plzeňský region, Karlovarský region, Ústecký region, Liberecký region, Královéhradecký region, Pardubický region, Jihlavský region, Brněnský region, Olomoucký region, Ostravský region a Zlínský region. Simultaneously, this law has completely cancelled Article 103 (stating that regional authorities will decide about the name of the HTSGU) and changed the above quoted Article 99 of the Constitution as follows: The Czech Republic con-sists of the communities forming basic self-governing units of the territorial management and regions being the higher territorial self-governing units. This law came in force on 1.1.2000. This law has stipulated that HTSGU will be called as kraj (region) and named according to their administra-tive centre (except of the Central Bohemian region, centre of which is capital of Prague).
The relevant law determining rights and duties of the regions was adopted three years later. Article 5 of the said Regional Administration Act No: 129/2000 from 12.4.2000 sets down the qualification of the region or all entities and juridical persons constituted or established by it to display regional arms and flag. The Speaker of the House of Deputies may grant these symbols to the region upon its request.
Later, 16.5.2001, was passed the constitutional law No: 176/2001. It has changed the earlier cited Higher Territorial Self-Governing Units Foundation Act No: 347/1997 as for names of some regions. They were changed to the South Bohemian region instead of Budějovický one and the Highlands (former Jihlavský), the South Moravian (former Brněnský), and the Moravian-Silesian (former Ostravský) regions.Vyobrazení znaků a vlajek Prahy a krajů jsou převzaty z webu